
No okay with argument

I was hoping you would rise above the trivial assets and stay in the friendship, but it's okay. People rarely are who they claim to be, it's not their fault, I have stopped putting my faith in them a long time ago, anyway. 

You 're no okay with argument, I hear you, but here, in my precious little country, with my people been who they are, argument is what keeps the dialogue going for millenniums now. This is how us Greeks invented democracy, philosophy, science, art and civilization in the first place. The dialogue and the argument, and the ingenious mind of ours few people can conceive or comprehend. It comes natural to us. It's in our dna, this is who we are. And this is what is making us unique and so special. 

No one is always comfortable in embracing that and protecting or defending it, because they don't understand the full concept of our way of thinking. All we can see around the world is copy paste of our authenticity, the greek mind, the greek way. 

Time and again we have been left all alone, been getting attacked, been exploited and abandoned by so called friends, leaving us back to square one. It's okay. Not everybody can understand where we are coming from or what we are made of. Throughout our conquers and defeats, we have come to know by now how to rise from our ashes, how to forgive and forget and move back on to the journey of our destiny. And it's a previledge, an honor and a duty to be part of all that.